How to maintain a shuffleboard table?

Shuffleboard is a fun game that provides entertainment to friends and families. Shuffleboard tables require proper maintenance and care to keep the playing surface in shape for a more incredible experience. Cleaning the shuffleboard table is the first step to keep the table in shape.

Shuffleboard tables are made up of materials such as traditional wood-finished tables, polymer-finished tables, and lacquer-finished tables. Traditional wood-finished tables can be cleaned with the help of vinegar water, polymer-finished tables can be cleaned with the help of any glass cleaner, and lacquer-finished tables require wood polish for cleaning.

 From placing the table to cleaning, this guide will take you through the complete process of maintaining your shuffleboard table.

How to clean a shuffleboard table?

Traditional shuffleboard tables need vinegar water, while polymer-finished tables can be cleaned simply with the help of any glass cleaner or a simple rug. Lacquer-finished tables need to be maintained with the help of furniture wax.  

Below is the complete guide for each type of table.

Traditional Shuffleboard Tables

Traditional shuffleboard tables require ¼ ratio of vinegar water and a few drops of oil. Spray vinegar water on the surface and let it sit up for a few minutes, then clean it with a soft towel or rug. Vinegar will remove dirt from the surface and the oil will ensure the lubrication of the surface so that it doesn’t get dry. Olive oil or any other oil with a longer shelf life works best in this process.

Polymer-Finished Tables

Polymer-finished surfaces can be cleaned with the help of any rag. Multipurpose cleaners or glass cleaners are safe options for cleaning polymer-finished tables.

Lacquer-Finished Tables

Lacquer-finished tables require wood wax to maintain. Try to opt for a high-quality wood wax and apply it gently with the help of a towel or rag. It depends on the use of the table and how many times you wax it.

How to care for a shuffleboard table?

To maintain your shuffleboard table, it is crucial to keep certain things in mind, like the placement of the table, covering the table when not in use, using climate adjusters, and waxing the table.

Placement Of the Table

The placement of the table is crucial for maintenance purposes. Don’t place it near the window so climate changes have little effect. Please protect it from direct sunlight as it damages its play surface. Sunlight also dries the silicon spray, affecting the table’s speed and, hence, the playing experience. Make sure the placement is in a way that has enough space on the sides to protect the cabinet from being damaged.  

Covering the Table

Covering the table is important when not in use; this will help maintain the playing surface. Covering the table prevents the surface from spills, watermarks, and accidents. Outdoor tables need more care as they are directly exposed to sunlight and rain. Try to use leather covers as they are more durable and secure which protects the table surface from damage.

Climate Adjusters

Climate adjusters play an essential role in maintaining shuffleboard tables. Climate adjusters help the table shape and ensure a greater playing experience. Shuffleboard tables are made of wood, and wood materials expand and contract with the climate. Climate adjusters help the surface to a slightly concave shape for a more significant play experience.

Waxing of the Table

Waxing the table is essential for the table maintenance. It improves your playing experience and protects your table surface from being damaged by the sliding of the pucks. It ensures smoothness of the surface for a better puck slide. Wax provides the distance between pucks and the table and protects the surface from damage.  

Refinishing of the Table

Refinishing the table might only be your job if you are a professional woodworker. It requires special skills, so you must visit a woodworker to help you refinish your shuffleboard table. The Shuffleboard table requires proper refinishing services after some time, even if you care for it. 


Keep your shuffleboard clean and well-maintained to increase its lifetime. Following the above simple tips will help you maintain your shuffleboard table. Keep dirt away from the table, cover it adequately when not in use, hold a wrench adjust through climate adjusters, and most importantly, remember to refinish your table after some time for optimal experience and longevity.

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